WEBINC Payment Gateway (W.P.G.)
In addition to the technical connection to the acquiring bank WEBINC provides a highly developed and user-friendly administration tool which is including a multiplicity of different statistics and risk management features.
W.P.G. is a complete e-Commerce Payment Platform. It is built in modules and creates detailed reports and statistics to its user on a real-time basis. Our Merchants are able to use various payment methods for their online products or initiates transactions by their selves with our virtual terminal. Your will have the possibility to control, mointor and reconcile all processing details in only one Master Platform:
Detailed Statistics
W.P.G. offers well structured real time statistics with break down to every single transaction. All statistics appearing on W.P.G. can be changed by days, pay types, currencies and merchant accounts.
As a result of our well coordinated error mapping with our banking and acquiring partner we are glad to provide you with all error codes with its reason explanation. Declined Transaction can be checked on our Declined Statistics which is definable by days, pay types and merchant accounts.
Chargeback Statistics
Chargeback transactions will be reported by WEBINCs banking and acquiring partner on a regular basis. The upload into our W.P.G. System will be automatically executed on the same day.
W.P.G. Chargeback Overview provides you with all Chargeback transactions reported for the current month or for other time periods which can be defined by days. The Chargeback Overview shows all relevant information on the reported Chargeback transaction (Name of Customer, Merchant Account, Chargeback Amount, Chargeback Date, etc.)
Customer Administration
The customer administration is not just attractive for your risk management team it is the best platform for your support team to handle and administrate customer inquiries in the easiest and fastest way.
Daily Processing Reports
On a daily basis W.P.G. generates processing reports including all important processing data of the previous day and the current month, e.g. processed volume previous day and current month, decline rate of the previous day, number of chargebacks and the chargeback ratio of the current month etc.
The generated reports will be automatically sent out to you and your team via email so you will already have the numbers when you arrive in the office early morning.
This enables you to have the best overview of you processing with no effords.
Real Time Processing Monitoring
W.P.G.s monitoring module shows incoming transactions and their status change in real time. You can check in time if a transaction has been approved or rejected.
Export Transaction Details
Complete transaction details can be downloaded on W.P.G. as a csv for a period of 3 month after transaction occurrence. You can chose which transactions should be included in the csv file while defining the pay type, transaction status and time period before starting the download.
In that way the csv file will include only the details you need for your reconciliation, reports or analyzes.
Virtual Terminal (MOTO)
Using the Virtual Terminal offers you the easiest and safest way to process mail, phone or fax orders (also known as MOTO transactions). Customer data as well as payment data will be entered on W.P.G.s secure Virtual Terminal mask. Initiated transactions will be processed directly and the response is getting displayed only a few seconds after the initiation.
Using the Virtual Terminal requires a MOTO merchant account which can be obtained at WEBINCs banking and acquiring partner or by applying with your bank.
Customer Administration features
Customer / Transaction Search
The customer search function on W.P.G. is having different searchoptions:
- Customer Name
- Credit Card
- Amount
- Internal TAN (W.P.G. Reference Number)
- Customer TAN (Merchant Reference Number)
- Bank TAN (Bank Reference Number)
- Timeframe
If a customer should receive his funds back due to specific reason – no problem you or your customer support team can initiate the transaction refund on W.P.G. by yourself which is the fastest and most appreciating way for you and your customers.
Detailed Customer History
If the respective customer has been found, you can check, besides the main customer information (first name, last name, address, email address and phone number), his complete transaction history at your Merchant Accounts on W.P.G. which is also downloadable as a CSV file. There you can also see if the customers are sharing credit cards with each other and blacklist single credit cards or complete customers.
Due to our long time experience at the global e-commerce market, WEBINCs Payment Gateway System possesses a large database of customer history. Transactions which will be processed on our Payment Gateway System will be matched at first step with our negative database. W.P.G. gives you the possibility to create and extend your own blacklist while blacklisting single credit cards, BINs, countries or complete customers.
Ready to take your business to the next level?
Apply now online and start processing with WEBINC today!
Discover how WEBINC can revolutionize your payment processing experience with our secure, innovative, and sophisticated solutions.