Credit Card Processing


WEBINC helps you to accept credit and debit card payments online.

WEBINC enables with its innovative and secure payment solutions every Merchant regardless where in the world the possibility to accept credit cards online.

WEBINCs portfolio includes the following Credit Card Merchant Accounts for all kind of small, medium and big businesses:

Verified by Visa / MasterCard Secure Code (3D-Secure)

Visa and MasterCard have added an additional layer of security to online transactions by providing the services “Verified by Visa” and “MasterCard Secure Code”.

After the cardholder has initiated an online transaction he is automatically redirected to the website of his card issuing bank to authorize the transaction while entering a secret password tied to the used credit card.

The main benefit of these 3-D Secure Protections is the control of risk exposure for cardholders and Merchants by reducing fraudulent transactions, cardholder disputes, charge-backs and cost of write-offs. If a Merchant does not use 3-D Secure, the Merchant is liable for fraudulent transactions, even if the transaction was properly authorized.

WEBINCs Payment Platform enables you to process 3D-Secure transactions through our own MPI (Merchant plug-in) which is fully registered with Visa and MasterCard.

Virtual Terminal (MOTO)

W.P.G.s ‘Virtual Terminal’ offers you the easiest and safest way to process mail, phone or fax orders (also known as MOTO transactions). Customer data as well as payment data will be entered on W.P.G.s secure Virtual Terminal mask. Initiated transactions will be processed directly and the response is getting displayed only a few seconds after the initiation. Using the virtual terminal requires a MOTO merchant account which can be obtained at WEBINCs banking and acquiring partner or by applying with your bank.

E-Commerce Credit Card Merchant Accounts (non-3D)

E-Commerce Merchant accounts are for online credit or debit card transactions without the 3D Verification process. A non-3D merchant account gives cardholders with not enrolled credit cards the possibility to purchase on your online shop as not all card issuing banks support 3D secure for their customers until yet.

Multi Currency Merchant Accounts

Increase your global sales while offering your customers to pay in their local currency!

WEBINCs collaboration with international banks and acquiring partner gives us the possibility to offer Multi Currency Credit Card Merchant Accounts in all major currencies (EUR, USD, GBP, CAD, BRL, INR, ZAR, MXN, SEK, AUD, etc).

Multi Currency Credit Card Merchant Accounts facilitates international sales of your goods and services. Your customers will appreciate it to pay in a currency they understand and recognize which is reducing customer service inquiries and chargeback transactions.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Apply now online and start processing with WEBINC today!

Discover how WEBINC can revolutionize your payment processing experience with our secure, innovative, and sophisticated solutions.